Kotak ELSS Tax Saver Fund Growth

Category: Equity: ELSS
Launch Date: 01-11-2005
Asset Class: Equity
Benchmark: NIFTY 500 TRI
Expense Ratio: 1.76% As on (30-12-2024)
Status: Open Ended Schemes
Minimum Investment: 500.0
Minimum Topup: 500.0
Total Assets: 6,218.85 Cr As on (31-12-2024)
Turn over: 25.81%
NAV as on 14-01-2025


1.07 (0.9815%)

CAGR Since Inception


NIFTY 500 TRI 12.44%

PERFORMANCE of Kotak ELSS Tax Saver Fund Growth

Scheme Performance (%)

Data as on - 14-01-2025

Yearly Performance (%)

Fund Managers

Harsha Upadhyaya

Investment Objective

The scheme aims to generate long-term capital appreciation from a diversified portfolio ofequity and equity related securities and enable investors to avail the income tax rebate, as per the prevailing tax laws.

NAV & Lumpsum details( Invested amount 1,00,000)

Show All Monthly Lumpsum Returns
NAV Date NAV Units Market
23-11-2005 10.0 10000.0 100000 0.0 %
23-12-2005 10.392 - 103920 3.92 %
23-01-2006 11.092 - 110920 10.92 %
23-02-2006 11.473 - 114730 14.73 %
23-03-2006 12.459 - 124590 24.59 %
24-04-2006 13.559 - 135590 35.59 %
23-05-2006 12.299 - 122990 22.99 %
23-06-2006 10.66 - 106600 6.6 %
24-07-2006 9.686 - 96860 -3.14 %
23-08-2006 11.198 - 111980 11.98 %
25-09-2006 11.69 - 116900 16.9 %
23-10-2006 12.297 - 122970 22.97 %
23-11-2006 13.552 - 135520 35.52 %
26-12-2006 13.923 - 139230 39.23 %
23-01-2007 14.634 - 146340 46.34 %
23-02-2007 14.225 - 142250 42.25 %
23-03-2007 13.86 - 138600 38.6 %
23-04-2007 14.702 - 147020 47.02 %
23-05-2007 15.756 - 157560 57.56 %
25-06-2007 16.322 - 163220 63.22 %
23-07-2007 17.463 - 174630 74.63 %
23-08-2007 15.512 - 155120 55.12 %
24-09-2007 17.837 - 178370 78.37 %
23-10-2007 18.523 - 185230 85.23 %
23-11-2007 19.786 - 197860 97.86 %
24-12-2007 22.281 - 222810 122.81 %
23-01-2008 19.576 - 195760 95.76 %
25-02-2008 18.681 - 186810 86.81 %
24-03-2008 15.259 - 152590 52.59 %
23-04-2008 17.238 - 172380 72.38 %
23-05-2008 17.159 - 171590 71.59 %
23-06-2008 14.426 - 144260 44.26 %
23-07-2008 14.522 - 145220 45.22 %
25-08-2008 14.33 - 143300 43.3 %
23-09-2008 13.143 - 131430 31.43 %
23-10-2008 9.519 - 95190 -4.81 %
24-11-2008 8.763 - 87630 -12.37 %
23-12-2008 9.462 - 94620 -5.38 %
23-01-2009 8.549 - 85490 -14.51 %
24-02-2009 8.542 - 85420 -14.58 %
23-03-2009 8.834 - 88340 -11.66 %
23-04-2009 10.119 - 101190 1.19 %
25-05-2009 13.229 - 132290 32.29 %
23-06-2009 13.2 - 132000 32.0 %
23-07-2009 13.984 - 139840 39.84 %
24-08-2009 14.592 - 145920 45.92 %
23-09-2009 15.546 - 155460 55.46 %
23-10-2009 16.13 - 161300 61.3 %
23-11-2009 16.266 - 162660 62.66 %
23-12-2009 16.555 - 165550 65.55 %
25-01-2010 16.316 - 163160 63.16 %
23-02-2010 15.691 - 156910 56.91 %
23-03-2010 16.826 - 168260 68.26 %
23-04-2010 17.452 - 174520 74.52 %
24-05-2010 16.573 - 165730 65.73 %
23-06-2010 17.596 - 175960 75.96 %
23-07-2010 18.211 - 182110 82.11 %
23-08-2010 19.09 - 190900 90.9 %
23-09-2010 20.154 - 201540 101.54 %
25-10-2010 20.829 - 208290 108.29 %
23-11-2010 20.028 - 200280 100.28 %
23-12-2010 19.631 - 196310 96.31 %
24-01-2011 18.614 - 186140 86.14 %
23-02-2011 17.44 - 174400 74.4 %
23-03-2011 17.449 - 174490 74.49 %
25-04-2011 18.833 - 188330 88.33 %
23-05-2011 17.596 - 175960 75.96 %
23-06-2011 17.513 - 175130 75.13 %
25-07-2011 18.485 - 184850 84.85 %
23-08-2011 16.302 - 163020 63.02 %
23-09-2011 16.126 - 161260 61.26 %
24-10-2011 16.562 - 165620 65.62 %
23-11-2011 15.279 - 152790 52.79 %
23-12-2011 15.026 - 150260 50.26 %
23-01-2012 16.08 - 160800 60.8 %
23-02-2012 17.452 - 174520 74.52 %
23-03-2012 17.208 - 172080 72.08 %
23-04-2012 17.062 - 170620 70.62 %
23-05-2012 15.977 - 159770 59.77 %
25-06-2012 16.961 - 169610 69.61 %
23-07-2012 17.169 - 171690 71.69 %
23-08-2012 17.922 - 179220 79.22 %
24-09-2012 18.787 - 187870 87.87 %
23-10-2012 18.985 - 189850 89.85 %
23-11-2012 18.823 - 188230 88.23 %
24-12-2012 19.856 - 198560 98.56 %
23-01-2013 20.56 - 205600 105.6 %
25-02-2013 19.269 - 192690 92.69 %
25-03-2013 18.052 - 180520 80.52 %
23-04-2013 18.583 - 185830 85.83 %
23-05-2013 18.751 - 187510 87.51 %
24-06-2013 17.328 - 173280 73.28 %
23-07-2013 18.101 - 181010 81.01 %
23-08-2013 16.261 - 162610 62.61 %
23-09-2013 17.08 - 170800 70.8 %
23-10-2013 18.211 - 182110 82.11 %
25-11-2013 18.036 - 180360 80.36 %
23-12-2013 18.82 - 188200 88.2 %
23-01-2014 18.873 - 188730 88.73 %
24-02-2014 18.514 - 185140 85.14 %
24-03-2014 19.713 - 197130 97.13 %
23-04-2014 20.447 - 204470 104.47 %
23-05-2014 22.602 - 226020 126.02 %
23-06-2014 23.352 - 233520 133.52 %
23-07-2014 24.215 - 242150 142.15 %
25-08-2014 25.271 - 252710 152.71 %
23-09-2014 26.265 - 262650 162.65 %
27-10-2014 26.675 - 266750 166.75 %
24-11-2014 29.393 - 293930 193.93 %
23-12-2014 29.141 - 291410 191.41 %
23-01-2015 31.729 - 317290 217.29 %
23-02-2015 31.562 - 315620 215.62 %
23-03-2015 31.344 - 313440 213.44 %
23-04-2015 30.721 - 307210 207.21 %
25-05-2015 30.946 - 309460 209.46 %
23-06-2015 31.165 - 311650 211.65 %
23-07-2015 32.288 - 322880 222.88 %
24-08-2015 29.993 - 299930 199.93 %
23-09-2015 30.285 - 302850 202.85 %
23-10-2015 31.244 - 312440 212.44 %
23-11-2015 29.972 - 299720 199.72 %
23-12-2015 29.75 - 297500 197.5 %
25-01-2016 27.723 - 277230 177.23 %
23-02-2016 26.47 - 264700 164.7 %
23-03-2016 28.715 - 287150 187.15 %
25-04-2016 29.45 - 294500 194.5 %
23-05-2016 28.891 - 288910 188.91 %
23-06-2016 30.82 - 308200 208.2 %
25-07-2016 32.967 - 329670 229.67 %
23-08-2016 33.333 - 333330 233.33 %
23-09-2016 34.729 - 347290 247.29 %
24-10-2016 35.253 - 352530 252.53 %
23-11-2016 32.151 - 321510 221.51 %
23-12-2016 31.516 - 315160 215.16 %
23-01-2017 33.818 - 338180 238.18 %
23-02-2017 36.123 - 361230 261.23 %
23-03-2017 36.748 - 367480 267.48 %
24-04-2017 38.567 - 385670 285.67 %
23-05-2017 38.177 - 381770 281.77 %
23-06-2017 38.676 - 386760 286.76 %
24-07-2017 40.387 - 403870 303.87 %
23-08-2017 39.746 - 397460 297.46 %
25-09-2017 39.76 - 397600 297.6 %
23-10-2017 41.249 - 412490 312.49 %
23-11-2017 42.201 - 422010 322.01 %
26-12-2017 43.234 - 432340 332.34 %
23-01-2018 43.845 - 438450 338.45 %
23-02-2018 40.844 - 408440 308.44 %
23-03-2018 39.226 - 392260 292.26 %
23-04-2018 41.24 - 412400 312.4 %
23-05-2018 39.993 - 399930 299.93 %
25-06-2018 40.539 - 405390 305.39 %
23-07-2018 41.418 - 414180 314.18 %
23-08-2018 43.629 - 436290 336.29 %
24-09-2018 41.088 - 410880 310.88 %
23-10-2018 37.826 - 378260 278.26 %
26-11-2018 40.136 - 401360 301.36 %
24-12-2018 40.718 - 407180 307.18 %
23-01-2019 41.068 - 410680 310.68 %
25-02-2019 40.931 - 409310 309.31 %
25-03-2019 42.693 - 426930 326.93 %
23-04-2019 43.787 - 437870 337.87 %
23-05-2019 44.353 - 443530 343.53 %
24-06-2019 44.931 - 449310 349.31 %
23-07-2019 43.359 - 433590 333.59 %
23-08-2019 41.522 - 415220 315.22 %
23-09-2019 44.835 - 448350 348.35 %
23-10-2019 44.516 - 445160 345.16 %
25-11-2019 46.119 - 461190 361.19 %
23-12-2019 46.627 - 466270 366.27 %
23-01-2020 48.604 - 486040 386.04 %
24-02-2020 48.004 - 480040 380.04 %
23-03-2020 31.212 - 312120 212.12 %
23-04-2020 37.548 - 375480 275.48 %
26-05-2020 36.252 - 362520 262.52 %
23-06-2020 41.162 - 411620 311.62 %
23-07-2020 43.453 - 434530 334.53 %
24-08-2020 45.013 - 450130 350.13 %
23-09-2020 44.295 - 442950 342.95 %
23-10-2020 46.7 - 467000 367.0 %
23-11-2020 50.225 - 502250 402.25 %
23-12-2020 52.701 - 527010 427.01 %
25-01-2021 55.086 - 550860 450.86 %
23-02-2021 57.863 - 578630 478.63 %
23-03-2021 58.883 - 588830 488.83 %
23-04-2021 58.467 - 584670 484.67 %
24-05-2021 61.545 - 615450 515.45 %
23-06-2021 64.15 - 641500 541.5 %
23-07-2021 66.295 - 662950 562.95 %
23-08-2021 66.386 - 663860 563.86 %
23-09-2021 71.097 - 710970 610.97 %
25-10-2021 71.074 - 710740 610.74 %
23-11-2021 72.294 - 722940 622.94 %
23-12-2021 70.578 - 705780 605.78 %
24-01-2022 70.764 - 707640 607.64 %
23-02-2022 69.455 - 694550 594.55 %
23-03-2022 71.165 - 711650 611.65 %
25-04-2022 70.343 - 703430 603.43 %
23-05-2022 66.588 - 665880 565.88 %
23-06-2022 63.771 - 637710 537.71 %
25-07-2022 69.767 - 697670 597.67 %
23-08-2022 72.859 - 728590 628.59 %
23-09-2022 73.836 - 738360 638.36 %
25-10-2022 74.958 - 749580 649.58 %
23-11-2022 76.249 - 762490 662.49 %
23-12-2022 74.526 - 745260 645.26 %
23-01-2023 76.302 - 763020 663.02 %
23-02-2023 74.038 - 740380 640.38 %
23-03-2023 73.462 - 734620 634.62 %
24-04-2023 75.357 - 753570 653.57 %
23-05-2023 77.851 - 778510 678.51 %
23-06-2023 80.31 - 803100 703.1 %
24-07-2023 84.402 - 844020 744.02 %
23-08-2023 85.681 - 856810 756.81 %
25-09-2023 87.101 - 871010 771.01 %
23-10-2023 85.523 - 855230 755.23 %
23-11-2023 87.607 - 876070 776.07 %
26-12-2023 93.568 - 935680 835.68 %
23-01-2024 93.378 - 933780 833.78 %
23-02-2024 100.285 - 1002850 902.85 %
26-03-2024 100.711 - 1007110 907.11 %
23-04-2024 104.339 - 1043390 943.39 %
23-05-2024 111.45 - 1114500 1014.5 %
24-06-2024 114.979 - 1149790 1049.79 %
23-07-2024 116.383 - 1163830 1063.83 %
23-08-2024 117.767 - 1177670 1077.67 %
23-09-2024 123.018 - 1230180 1130.18 %
23-10-2024 116.393 - 1163930 1063.93 %
25-11-2024 115.432 - 1154320 1054.32 %
23-12-2024 115.476 - 1154760 1054.76 %
14-01-2025 109.528 - 1095280 995.28 %

RETURNS CALCULATOR for Kotak ELSS Tax Saver Fund Growth

Growth of 10000 In SIP (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Period :
Start :
End :

Growth of 10000 In LUMPSUM (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Start :

Rolling Returns

Rolling returns are the annualized returns of the scheme taken for a specified period (rolling returns period) on every day/week/month and taken till the last day of the duration. In this chart we are showing the annualized returns over the rolling returns period on every day from the start date and comparing it with the benchmark. Rolling returns is the best measure of a fund's performance. Trailing returns have a recency bias and point to point returns are specific to the period in consideration. Rolling returns, on the other hand, measures the fund's absolute and relative performance across all timescales, without bias.



Key Performance and Risk Statistics of Kotak ELSS Tax Saver Fund Growth

Key Statistics Volatility Sharpe Ratio Alpha Beta Yield to Maturity Average Maturity
Kotak ELSS Tax Saver Fund Growth 11.32 0.8 2.68 0.87 - -
Equity: ELSS - - - - - -

PEER COMPARISION of Kotak ELSS Tax Saver Fund Growth

Amount :
Start :
End :
Data as on - 14-01-2025
Scheme Name Launch
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Kotak ELSS Tax Saver Fund Growth 01-11-2005 14.79 19.69 13.11 17.91 13.77
Motilal Oswal ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 05-01-2015 28.48 36.03 21.29 21.41 0.0
HSBC Tax Saver Equity Fund - Growth 05-01-2007 22.3 25.9 14.13 18.13 12.89
HSBC ELSS Tax saver Fund - Regular Growth 01-01-2013 21.61 26.72 14.16 17.41 13.21
WhiteOak Capital ELSS Tax Saver Fund Regular Plan Growth 14-10-2022 20.44 27.46 0.0 0.0 0.0
SBI Long Term Equity Fund - Regular Plan- Growth 31-03-1993 20.18 31.13 20.85 22.83 14.33
JM ELSS Tax Saver Fund (Regular) - Growth option 31-03-2008 19.12 27.09 15.26 19.78 15.18
LIC MF ELSS Tax Saver-Regular Plan-Growth 31-03-1997 18.71 22.74 12.55 15.14 11.25
Invesco India ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth 29-12-2006 17.51 25.82 11.49 17.56 13.81
DSP ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 05-01-2007 17.46 24.08 15.26 19.77 15.3

PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS of Kotak ELSS Tax Saver Fund Growth

Asset Allocation (%)

Allocation Percentage (%)

Market Cap Distribution

Small Cap




Large Cap


Mid Cap


